DUP Satellite Museum Directory
Satellite Museums are located in several states and maintain wonderful collections of pioneer artifacts from the local area. Below is a list of DUP satellite museums, with the address and hours of operation. Many DUP museums are opened by appointment only. Most contact numbers are given below and may also be posted on the door of the museum.
Idaho, Bannock County |
Abigail Coffin Cabin 1st West Center Street Downey, ID 83234 |
The cabin was home to Abigail Starbuck Coffin, a pioneer of 1852. It was also used as a store and school. Open Wednesday of Bannock South County Fair, the first week of August, or by appointment. |
Idaho, Bear Lake County |
Bear Lake Company DUP Museum |
The Bear Lake Company DUP Museum is located in the National Oregon/California Trails Center. DIRECTIONS .Telephone 208-847-3800. The open days and times for the Center are as follows: May 1 - September 30 -- Sunday thru Thursday, 9 am to 5 pm and Friday and Saturday, 9 am to 6 pm; October 1 - Oct 31 -- Tuesday thru Saturday, 10 am to 3 pm |
Idaho, Bear Lake County |
Georgetown DUP Relic Hall 1 West 3rd Street Georgetown, ID 83239 |
Built in 1874, Georgetown’s first public building was used for church, recreation, and school. In 1966, the DUP was given the structure, and renovated it for a pioneer relic hall. It is also DUP Marker #410. Open by appointment, please call 208-847-0478. DIRECTIONS |
Idaho, Bear Lake County |
Paris DUP Museum 62 South Main Street Paris, ID 83261 |
Artifacts are displayed in the City Museum. DIRECTIONS Open in the summer from Memorial Day – Labor Day, 9 am to 4 pm Monday through Thursday. Other arrangements may be made by calling 208-945-0959. |
Idaho, Bear Lake County |
Paris Tabernacle 109 South Main Street Paris, ID 83261 |
The Paris Daughters of Utah Pioneers display pioneer artifacts in two large cases in the foyer of the Paris Tabernacle. The Tabernacle was constructed in 1889 of red sandstone quarried 18 miles away and transported by wagon and sled. |
Idaho, Bear Lake County |
Thomas Sleight Cabin Paris City Park Main Street Paris, ID 83261 |
The Cabin was built in the fall of 1863. The DUP artifacts have been relocated in the City Museum but the cabin still remains. Stop by the park and see this historial structure and marker. |
Idaho, Bonneville County |
Bonneville Company Display Cases |
The seventeen camps of Bonneville Company display their artifacts in display cases in the Public Library and Family History Center (750 W. Elva Street, Idaho Falls). Hours at the Idaho Falls Public Library: Monday through Thursday 10 am to 9 pm and Friday and Saturday 10 am to 6 pm. Hours at the History Center are: Winter: Monday, Friday, Saturday 9 am to 5 pm and Tuesday through Thursday 9 am to 9 pm; Summer Hours are Monday, Friday, Saturday 9 am to 5 pm and Tuesday through Thursday 9 am to 8 pm. |
Idaho, Caribou County |
Chesterfield DUP Museum |
The entire townsite of the “ghostown” of Chesterfield, Idaho, is being restored by the Chesterfield Foundation as a “museum.” Daughters of Utah Pioneer artifacts are housed in the Red Brick Holbrook Mercantile Store. Open in the summer from Memorial Day to Labor Day, Monday through Saturday 10 am to 6 pm. Closed Sunday. DIRECTIONS For more information call 1-208-390-0173 |
Idaho, Caribou County |
Camp Tosobia and Camp Mead DUP Historical Museum 50 West Center Street Soda Springs, ID 83276 |
Wonderful pioneer artifacts, Native American artifacts, and other relics found in the area left by the travelers on the Oregon Trail which went through Soda Springs can be seen at the Museum. Friday through Saturday 1 pm to 4 pm. To schedule special groups call 208-547-3621 or 208-547-4727 Linda Anderson DIRECTIONS |
Idaho, Cassia County |
Oakley Valley Historical Museum |
The grand re-opening of the Historical Museum was in June 2012. The original DUP Museum was in an old grocery store across from City Park. The DUP joined forces with museum officials to build and add on a new facility. Phone: 208-862-7890 |
Idaho, Franklin County | DUP Artifact Collection in the Oneida Stake Academy, Benson Park in City Center, Preston, Idaho 83263 |
The Oneida Stake Academy, a three-story structure of Romanesque architecture, was built in 1890 and was a School of Prophets. The building was moved to present location in 2003 and renovated in 2011. The DUP has a designated area in the building for its artifacts. Open July 24 for OSAF Heritage Day and Centennial Celebration. |
Idaho, Fremont County |
Camp Sariah Collection |
The artifact collection is displayed at the Museum of the Henry's Fork. Open by appointment only. Phone: 208-313-7300. |
Idaho, Jefferson County |
Rigby DUP Collection |
The DUP artifact collection is housed in a showcase in the Jefferson County Historical Society and Farnsworth TV Pioneer Museum. Open year round from 1 pm to 5 pm, Tuesday through Saturday; Phone: 208-745-8423 |
Idaho, Madison County |
Madison Company |
The Madison Company and Madison West Company DUP have two glass cases and several displays in the Rexburg Tabernacle. The museum was previously called the Teton Flood Museum, and it is still home to the Teton Flood Exhibit. The hours of operation are dependent on the availability of volunteers. To make an appointment on the days the museum is closed, please call (208) 359-3063 during regular business hours. The museum is regularly open 10 am - 2pm Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday. |
Idaho, Oneida County |
Oneida Pioneer Museum |
The Daughters of Utah Pioneers artifacts are displayed in the Oneida Pioneer Museum in a building bult in 1914 which became a museum in 1992. Phone: 208-766-5430 |
Idaho, Power County |
Camp Lupe Pioneer Museum Rockland, Idaho |
By appointment only |
Idaho, Teton County |
Teton Valley DUP Museum 137 North State Highway 33 Driggs, ID 83422 |
The Teton Valley Daughters of Utah Pioneers have three cases of artifacts and a spinning wheel in a room in the Teton Valley Museum. This large two story building with large murals on the outside was built as a museum in 2004. DIRECTIONS Summer Hours – Memorial Day through Labor Day; Tuesday through Saturday, 10 am – 5 pm. It is closed on Mondays. For more information, contact Ronell Breckenridge at 208-456-2652 |
Nevada, Clark County |
Old Las Vegas Mormon Fort 500 East Washington Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89101 |
Old Las Vegas Mormon Fort. The museum is part of the State Historical Parks of Nevada. The DUP artifacts are housed in the adobe building, the only surviving part of the original fort built by the Mormons in 1855. Some artifacts are also displayed in the Visitor Center.
Open from 8 am - 4:30 pm, Tuesday through Saturday, year round |
Nevada, Clark County |
Muddy River Camp DUP Museum 156 Virginia Street Overton, NV 89040 |
In 1970, the Muddy River Camp of DUP came in possession of the 1916 Moapa Stake President's Meeting Building. Besides rooms for artifacts, the Daughters have a meeting room where they meet each month. Open by appointment: 702-397-2351 |
Nevada, White Pine Valley |
White River Valley Museum |
The artifacts collection of the White Pines Company is housed in the community museum. Their collection includes the Nichols log cabin, built in 1898. Open by appointment: 775-238-5384 |
Utah, Beaver County |
Beaver DUP Courthouse Museum |
In summer, open Tuesday through Saturday, 11 am - 5 pm; in fall, open by appointment only. Free admission; DIRECTIONS |
Utah, Box Elder County |
Bear River City DUP Museum |
Open on request; also open 3 pm to 5 pm on 24 July, Christmas, and Golden Spike Day; free admission; phone: 435-279-8350; DIRECTIONS |
Utah, Box Elder County |
Brigham City DUP (Restored Log Cabin) |
Open by appointment; free admission; DIRECTIONS |
Utah, Box Elder County |
Brigham City Museum-Gallery |
Open Tuesday through Friday. 11 am tp 6 pm; Saturday 1 pm to 3 pm and by appointment; free admission; phone: 435-723-6769 DIRECTIONS |
Utah, Cache County |
Wheeler Log Cabin and Granary |
This log cabin was built in 1876 and used as a family home until 1956 by George Wheeler and his wife Hannah Humphries and their ten children. They also built a barn and granary. The cabin and granary were restored by the Leavitt-Layne Camp, Cache Far North Company. Open by appointment. Phone: 435-213-6561 or 435-994-0391 or 435-799-9944 |
Utah, Cache County |
Cache County DUP Museum 160 North Main St. Logan, UT 84321 |
Open Memorial Day to Labor Day on Tuesday through Fridan 11 am to 5 pm; Saturday 10 am to 1 pm. Labor Day to Thanksgiving Wed. 10 am to 5 pm; January 5 to Memorial Day Wed. 10 am to 5 pm; 801-369-4437. Free admission; www.cachedupmuseum.org DIRECTIONS
Utah, Cache County
Clarkston Heritage DUP Museum 80 W. Center Clarkston, UT 84305 |
The 1871 Tithing Granary has become the home of the Clarkston Heritage DUP Museum. Four rooms are filled with wonderful displays and a gift shop. Admission is free, but donations are accepted. Open 1 pm to 4 pm Memorial Weekend (Saturday and Monday); and the 4th Saturday in June. Open 2 pm to 4 pm July 24th and Labor Day; otherwise by appointment: 435-563-5295 or 801-791-1267 or 801-719-1739 or 435-563-5754. |
Utah, Cache County |
Mendon DUP Cabin 97 North 100 West Mendon, UT 84235 |
The Ole Peder and Rikki Anderson Sorenson cabin was built in 1859. Restoration of the cabin began in May 2013. |
Utah, Cache County |
Sagwich Camp Paradise DUP |
Open on Memorial Day 10 am to 5 pm and by appointment; phone: 435-770-2641 or 435-245-4594 or 435-760-2077. DIRECTIONS |
Utah, Cache County |
Richmond DUP Relic Hall |
Originally built for the LDS Stake President as an office and a tithing office, the building is now owned by the City since 1959. The interior is maintained by the local DUP Camp. Open for Black and White days (3rd weekend of May) on Saturday (10 am to 4 pm) and other times by appointment. Phone: 435-258-5362 or 435-258-2227.
Utah, Cache County |
Richmond DUP Museum |
The museum is the old Relief Society building built by the Relief Society and used by them until 1906 when it was taken over by the DUP. In 1916, it was used as a school. In 1960, the City took it over and the James and Drucilla Hendricks Camp DUP, Cache Far North Company worked hard to get it back to the DUP. Open for camp meetings on the second Thursday of the month at 1 pm when the weather permits. Otherwise by appointment only. Phone: 435-258-5362 or 435-258-2227.
Utah, Cache County |
Wellsville Tabernacle DUP Museum |
Artifacts are temporarily in storage while the Old Tabernacle is being restored. Plans are to give the dup front and center placement when re-opened. DIRECTIONS |
Utah, Cache County |
Ole and Johanne Larsen Cabin |
Open by appointment. Phone: 435-760-6739 |
Utah, Carbon County |
Price DUP Museum |
Leander Cabin and Grimes Cabin; Open by appointment; free admission; phone: 435-637-1971 or 435-637-5374; DIRECTIONS |
Utah, Carbon County |
Wellington Pioneer Log Cabin |
Open on July 24 and for meetings during the summer; free admission |
Utah, Davis County |
Jerimiah Willey Cabin Museum |
Open Wednesdays, 2 pm to 4 pm; Saturdays, 1 pm to 3 pm; and by appointment; free admission; museum phone: 801-296-2060; for appointment, call 801-292-0828 |
Utah, Davis County |
Centerville Cabin |
Open July 4 and by appointment; DIRECTIONS |
Utah, Davis County |
Charles W. Penrose Cabin |
Behind LDS Church; Open by appointment. phone: 801-201-0606 or 801-580-3544 |
Utah, Davis County |
Layton/Kaysville DUP Collection |
Open Tuesday through Friday, 11 am to 6 pm; Saturday, 1 pm to 5 pm; free admission; phone: 801-336-3930 |
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Utah, Davis County |
Syracuse DUP Museum |
Open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 2 pm to 5 pm. Free admission; DIRECTIONS |
Utah, Davis County |
Woods Cross Hogan Cabin |
Open by appointment by calling Woods Cross City Hall; free admission; phone: 801-295-5939 DIRECTIONS |
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Utah, Duchesne County |
Camp Sacajawea DUP Cabin Tabby Valley Centennial Park 37700 West 3750 North Tabiona, UT 84072 |
In 2010, Camp Sacajawea restored the cabin and moved it, along with marker #151 to Tabby Valley Park in Tabiona. The dedication was held on October 14, 2011, for the cabin and the monument.
Stop by the park and visit these historical structures. DIRECTIONS |
Utah, Duchesne County |
Dave Richardson Log Cabin |
DUP Marker #355 located at the side of the cabin tells the story of the cabin. For more information call 435-722-3138. |
Utah, Emery County |
Elmo DUP Museum |
Open for meetings and for the pheasant hunting dinner. DIRECTIONS |
Utah, Emery County |
Emery County DUP |
Open by appointment only. Free admission; DIRECTIONS |
Utah, Garfield County |
Escalante DUP Museum |
Located in old LDS tithing building built of native stone in 1884. Open by appointment; free admission; phone: 435-826-4075 DIRECTIONS |
Utah, Garfield County |
Hatch DUP Museum |
Located in a three-room school house erected in 1939; Open by appointment; free admission; 435-826-4075; DIRECTIONS |
Utah, Garfield County |
Panguitch DUP Museum |
Located in the old bishop storehouse and tithing office. Open during summer months 4 pm to 8 pm Thursday through Saturday; free admission; 435-676-8277 DIRECTIONS |
Utah, Grand County |
Moab DUP Museum |
Open September through May on Wednesdays 2 pm to 4 pm; In June through August, open Fridays 6 pm to 8 pm. Phone: 435-259-5229 or 435-260-1829 or 435-259-7793 or 435-259-5282 |
Utah, Grand County |
Moab DUP Cabin |
The Moab Camp of the DUP moved this cabin from its original location to the historic complex where the Moab DUP Museum is also located. For more information call 435-259-8406 |
Utah, Iron County |
Cedar City DUP Museum |
Summer Hours: Wed through Friday 10 am - 4 pm; Winter Hours (after Labor Day) Wed through Friday 1 pm - 4 pm; Saturday 10 am - 1 pm. email: cedarcitydupmuseum@gmail.com
Utah, Iron County |
Cedar City DUP Pioneer Cabin |
The George Wood Cabin is the oldest log cabin in southern Utah. In April 1983 it was moved to the Iron Mission State Park for protection and restoration. The Iron Mission State Park has been renamed the Frontier Homestead State Park Museum. Open: year-round with the exception of Thanksgiving, December 25, and January 1. Hours: 9 am to 5 pm, Monday through Saturday. Closed Sundays.
Utah, Iron County |
Parowan Old Rock Church Museum |
Open Memorial Day to Labor Day, Monday through Saturday 1 pm to 5 pm and by appointment; free admission; phone: 435-477-3549 or 435-477-1281; DIRECTIONS website: DUP Museums in Cedar City and Parowan |
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Utah, Juab County |
Chicken Creek Camp DUP Museum 50 West Center Street Levan, UT 84639 |
Open July 24, 1 pm to 4 pm or by appointment; free admission; phone: 435-623-0861 DIRECTIONS |
Utah, Juab County |
Mt. Nebo Pioneer Memorial Relic Cabin 350 North Main Mona, UT 84645 |
Located in pioneer cemetery; Open by appointment; free admission; phone: 435-623-0146; DIRECTIONS |
Utah, Juab County |
Juab County DUP Museum |
Hours: open year round Monday through Friday 1 pm to 5 pm and by appointment; Free admission; phone: 435-623-5202; Photos DIRECTIONS |
Utah, Juab County |
Nephi DUP Memorial Cabin 100 East and 500 North Nephi, UT 84648 |
Open some Saturdays during the summer months; this DUP Museum is located in the Nephi City Park. Markers #24 and #196 are also located there. Phone 435-623-1563 |
Utah, Juab County |
Juab County DUP Antique Agricultural Equipment Museum 100 West Center Street Nephi, UT 84648 |
This is an outdoor museum dedicated in September of 2011. Forty pieces of equipment surround an old granary. It is located on the opposite end of the block from the DUP Museum in the old Courthouse. The equipment is labeled for a self-guided tour. |
Utah, Kane County |
Kanab - Margery Stewart Camp Room in Heritage House |
Open Monday through Friday in the summer months from 1 pm to 5 pm. Phone: 435-644-3966 DIRECTIONS |
Utah, Kane County |
Orderville Kane County DUP |
Open by appointment; free admission; phone: 435-691-4939 |
Utah, Millard County |
Bishop-McCullough Camp DUP Museum |
McCullough Log Cabin located in city park; Free admission; open by appointment. |
Utah, Millard County |
Fanny Powell Cropper DUP Museum |
Open by apointment; phone: 435-864-3063; DIRECTIONS |
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Utah, Millard County |
Millard County DUP Museum |
Open Monday through Saturday. Phone: 435-743-5316; DIRECTIONS |
Utah, Millard County |
Kanosh DUP |
Open by appointment; free admission |
Utah, Millard County |
Scipio Round Valley DUP Museum |
Open by appointment; free admission |
Utah, Morgan County |
Morgan County DUP |
Summer hours: June through August, 2nd and 4th Saturday from 10 am to 4 pm or by appointment; free admission; Open for National Museum Day each September. Phone: 801-388-5302 |
Utah, Morgan County |
Morgan County DUP Cabin |
This cabin was built by George Henry Peterson in 1857 and was moved from Weber City (Peterson) to Morgan City in 1931. It now sits beside the Morgan Company DUP Museum. Hours: Summer hours (June - August) 2nd and 4th Saturday from 10 am to 4 pm; shown by appointment at other times. Open for National Museum Day each September. Phone: 801-589-8847 |
Utah, Rich County |
Laketown DUP Relic Hall |
South of LDS Church building; open by appointment; free admission |
Utah, Rich County |
Randolph DUP Museum |
Open second Monday each month 2 pm; and by appointment; free admission DIRECTIONS |
Utah, Salt Lake County |
Drown Cabin 7700 South 750 West Midvale, UT 84047 |
Drown cabin is located in a cemetery in the middle of a field. The Bingham Junction Camp is currently working with other entities to make the Cabin more accessible to visitors. |
Utah, Salt Lake County |
DUP Display Gale Center of History and Culture 10300 S. Beckstead Lane (1575 West) South Jordan, UT 84095 |
Open Tuesday through Friday 10 am to 6 pm. Saturday by appointment. Phone: 801-254-3048 |
Utah, Salt Lake County |
Salt Lake Far South West Company Collection in Midvale City Museum
7697 South Main Street |
The artifact collection of the Glover Camp (disbanded) is under the direction of the Salt Lake Far South West Company and is housed in the Midvale Museum. Phone: 801-569-8040 Open: Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday 12 pm to 4 pm |
Utah, San Juan County |
Monticello DUP Museum |
Utah, Sanpete County |
Centerfield Camp DUP |
Built in 1886, this meetinghouse replaced the log building from 1882. |
Utah, Sanpete County |
Fort Ephraim Museum/Cabins at Ephraim Pioneer Park |
Hansen House Museum, Bailey Cabin, Sorenson Cabin and Workshop, and the Jensen Granary are maintained by the DUP Fort Ephraim Ccamp and located in Ephraim Pioneer Park. Hours of operation are Monday - Friday 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Contact Museum Director Sarah Thomas (435-851-6768) for large groups or after hour tours. |
Utah, Sanpete County |
Fountain Green DUP Museum and Old Tithing House |
Free admission; open second Monday of month from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm; otherwise by appointment; Uintah Springs Camp; 435-462-2783 or 435-445-3470 or 435-469-0615 DIRECTIONS |
Utah, Sanpete County |
Manti DUP Log Cabin School |
Nathanial Beach built the log cabin in about 1853. It was used as a school room. It has been moved several times and now sits beside the Patten House DUP Museum. Open to visitors by appointment. |
Utah, Sanpete County |
Patten House DUP Pioneer Museum |
Built in 1854 by John Patten, it was lived in continually until 1975 when it became a DUP museum. Open all day on the 24th of July. The rest of the year is by appointment only. website Museum |
Utah, Sanpete County |
Sanpitch Camp DUP Museum |
Open 10 am to 2 pm. Free admission; DIRECTIONS |
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Utah, Sanpete County |
Spring City/Canal Creek DUP Museum and Old Jail |
Located in old City Hall built in 1893. Open summer hours: Wednesday and Saturday 11 am to 3 pm. Available other times by appointment at 940-224-0857; free admission; DIRECTIONS |
Utah, Sanpete County |
Old School Community Center DUP Museum |
Open Monday through Thursday 8 am to 4 pm. It is also open most Fridays and Saturdays 12 to 3 pm. 435-262-9590 or 940-224-0857. Building tours can be arranged at 435-462-2211 |
Utah, Sanpete County |
Camp Arropine DUP Museum |
Closed for the time being. |
Utah, Sevier County |
Camp Belknap DUP Museum |
Open by appointment; free admission; phone: 435-527-3306 DIRECTIONS |
Utah, Sevier County |
Glenwood DUP |
Open July 24 and by appointment; free admission; DIRECTIONS |
Utah, Sevier County |
Joseph Camp Clear Creek DUP |
Open 3 pm to 6 pm on Tuesdays June through August; and by appointment; free admission |
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Utah, Sevier County |
Monroe DUP Museum |
Open by appointment; free admission; Phone: 435-527-4382 DIRECTIONS |
Utah, Sevier County |
Camp Christine DUP Cabin Museum |
Open second Thursday each month from 2 pm to 4 pm and by appointment; free admission; Phone: 435-529-3632; DIRECTIONS |
Utah, Sevier County |
Richfield Pioneer Relic Hall |
Open May through August, Monday and Friday 11 am to 3 pm. Arrangements may be made to open the cabin at other times. free admission; Phone: 435-893-8715 DIRECTIONS |
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Utah, Sevier County |
Miss Mary's' Historical Museum 204 South 100 East (Old Presbyterian Rock Church) Salina, UT 84654 |
Open Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 11 am to 3 pm or by appointment. Call 801-598-2512 or 435-893-5578 or 435-893-1763 |
Utah, Summit County |
Coalville DUP Museum |
Open last Wednesday of each month 6 - 8 pm and by appointment. Contact 435-647-6808 or 435-640-0667. Free admission; DIRECTIONS |
Utah, Summit County |
Francis Camp DUP Museum |
Open by appointment. Contact Maxine @ 435-783-2431; Free admission |
Utah, Summit County |
Henefer Camp DUP Museum |
Open by appointment; phone 801-718-3749 or 801-791-5821; free admission; DIRECTIONS |
Utah, Summit County |
Rhodes Valley Camp and Kamas Valley Camp DUP Cabin |
Open Friday and Saturday during Fiesta Days (July 24) 12 pm to 5 pm and by appointment; contact Kelly @ 435-783-4479; Connie @ 435-783-4414 or Tamra @ 801-641-6790; free admission; DIRECTIONS |
Utah, Tooele County |
Grantsville DUP Museum |
Located in the basement of the J. Reuben Clark, Jr. home at the J. Reuben Clark Historical Farm. Open by appointment. For more information call 385-271-8411 |
Utah, Tooele County |
Stockton DUP Museum Rush Valley Camp |
Open Friday mornings year round or by appointment; free admission; DIRECTIONS |
Utah, Tooele County |
DUP Museum Pioneer City Hall 39 East Vine Street Tooele, UT 84074 |
Complex includes museum, school house and Gowans Log Cabin. Open Friday and Saturday, 10 am to 4 pm and by appointment any other time. We love special tours -- Relief Society groups, Scout groups, young men or young women. If you wuld like a special tour please contact us at 435-496-0803 |
Utah, Uintah County |
Uintah County DUP Museum |
Open June through August, Tuesday through Saturday 10 am - 4 pm, free admission; phone: 435-219-5168 DIRECTIONS |
Utah, Uintah County |
Old Ashley Post Office |
Camp Buena Vista DUP owns the old Ashley Post Office which was built in 1878 as a combination post office and store by William Carlton Britt, the first postmaster. Structure can be viewed but is not open to visitors. |
Utah, Utah County |
Alpine Historic Pioneer Relic Hall |
Open June through August, Saturday 12 pm to 3 pm, Alpine Days (2nd weekend in August); Also open on National Museum Day. Other times by appointment; free admission; phone: 801-766-5418 |
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Utah, Utah County |
American Fork DUP Relic Hall |
Open June through August, Monday 6 pm to 8 pm, Wednesday 1 pm to 4 pm, Friday 10 am to 1 pm or by appointment; free admission. phone: 702-497-0111; contact email: janice@parmenter.us DIRECTIONS |
Utah, Utah County |
Highland Camp DUP Museum |
Open on National Museum Day, Highland Fling Day (the first Saturday in August from 9 am to 3 pm) and by appointment; free admission; phone: 385-325-0046 |
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Utah, Utah County |
Orem DUP Collection at the Heritage Museum |
Open Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, November through February 1 pm to 5 pm and March through October 3 pm to 7 pm. free admission; phone: 801-225-2569 DIRECTIONS |
Utah, Utah County |
Payson South County DUP |
Open Wednesday through Thursday from 1 pm to 4 pm or by appointment; free admission; phone: 801-465-2469 DIRECTIONS |
Utah, Utah County |
Payson Cabin |
This cabin is located outside Payson City Hall. It is the Everett Richmond pioneer cabin, which was moved to this location. It also has Marker #107 sitting at the side of the cabin. |
Utah, Utah County |
Pioneer Log Cabin 55 South 100 East Pleasant Grove, UT 84062 |
The Daughters of Utah Pioneers built this "larger-than-usual" cabin to house artifacts. It is found on the historical site across the lot from the DUP Old Bell School Museum. Open by appointment. |
Utah, Utah County |
Old Bell School DUP Museum |
Open Thursdays and some Saturdays, 2 pm - 5 pm; For information, call 801-669-6971 DIRECTIONS |
Utah, Utah County |
Orlando Herron Log Cabin |
The Orlando Herron Log Cabin is believed to be the first log cabin built in Pleasant Grove, dating back to 1850. Located behind (attached to) a house that was being demolished by a developer, the cabin was saved and moved near the historic Old Bell School House in Pioneer Park in 2005. |
Utah, Utah County |
Jeppa & Anna Nelson Granary |
This granary was built in 1874 over the original Nelson dugout. It was moved to the present site March 2, 1993, to become a part of the historical complex by the DUP Old Bell School Museum. Tours available by appointment or read the information on the marker in front of the granary. |
Utah, Utah County |
Provo Pioneer Museum |
Open first Wednesday in April to the last Wednesday in October. Open Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 1 pm to 4 pm. Special arrangements can be made for group tours. |
Utah, Utah County |
Salem DUP Museum |
Open Museum Day and by appointment. See the contact number posted on site. Free admission; DIRECTIONS |
Utah, Utah County |
Santaquin DUP Cabin |
The cabin was purchased by Daughters of Utah Pioneers in 2001, then restored and moved to the present location next to the historic library. Restorations were completed in 2009. Open July through August, Wednesdays 5 - 7 pm and by appointment. 385-335-3395; 801-319-0474; 801-367-3850. |
Utah, Utah County |
Spanish Fork DUP Museum |
Open Summer Monday and Saturday 10:00 - 2:00. Winter: open Monday 10:30 am - 4:30 pm (except holidays); by appointment, free admission; phone: 801-894-9370 or 801-768-6684 Click here for website. DIRECTIONS |
Utah, Utah County |
Springville-Mapleton DUP Museum |
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Utah, Wasatch County |
Wasatch County DUP Museum |
Open Tuesday through Saturday; Summer Hours: 11:30 am to 4:30 pm; Winter Hours: 1 pm to 4 pm; for more information call 435-654-1328; free admission |
Utah, Washington County |
Pilot Peak DUP Museum |
Open by appointment and on July 24 for the Enterprise Homecoming Celebration; free admission; DIRECTIONS |
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Utah, Washington County |
McQuarrie Memorial Pioneer Museum |
Open 10 am to 5 pm, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday; closed Wednesday, Sunday, Holidays and all the month of December. Open days and hours; phone: 435-628-7274 |
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Utah, Wayne County |
Bicknell DUP Camp |
Open by appointment; free admission; phone: 801-824-5500 Photos; DIRECTIONS |
Utah, Wayne County |
Fremont DUP |
Open by appointment; free admission; phone: 801-824-5500 DIRECTIONS |
Utah, Wayne County |
Wayne Company/ Camp Mauna Loa DUP |
Open Monday through Saturday by appointment. Free admission; phone: 801-824-5500 DIRECTIONS |
Utah, Wayne County
Teasdale First Community Building |
Open by appointment; free admission; phone: 801-824-5500 DIRECTIONS |
Utah, Wayne County
Torrey DUP Museum |
Built in 1898, the Torrey Log Church and School House is a unique log structure with a steep hip roof and square bell tower. Open by appointment; phone: 801-824-5500 |
Utah, Weber County |
Miles Goodyear Cabin |
Open mid-May to mid-September, Monday through Saturday 9 am to 5 pm; group tours available by appointment; Phone: 801-393-4460 |
Utah, Weber County |
Weber County Pioneer Museum 2104 Lincoln Ave. Ogden, UT 84401 |
Open mid-May to mid-September, Monday through Saturday 9 am to 5 pm; rest of the year by appointment; free admission; phone: 801-393-4460 |
Utah, Weber County |
John Carver/ Plain City DUP Museum |
Open by appointment; free admission; DIRECTIONS |
Wyoming, Lincoln County |
Star Valley Pioneer and Historical Museum |
The Star Valley Pioneer and Historical Museum is part of a Museum Complex with three other museums – Barn Museum, Lander Trailer Museum and Call Air Museum located near the Afton Civic Center. The museum is co-sponsored by the DUP Lincoln Company and the Star Valley Historical Society. Star Valley Pioneer and Historical Museum. DIRECTIONS It is open Fridays and Saturdays in June to August from 1 pm to 5 pm and every day during Lincoln County Fair Week. Other times by appointment, call 307-885-3670 or pmcneel66@gmail.com |
Wyoming, Lincoln County |
Baker Cabin West Side of Highway 89 Etna, WY 83118 |
The Baker Cabin is co-sponsored by Camp Eliza Crook and the Star Valley Historical Society. Open June through August on Tuesday and Thursday 1 pm to 5 pm. Shown by appointment also. Contact 801-898-4212 or cmcook59@gmail.com |
Wyoming, Lincoln County |
Silver Star Camp Museum |
The Silver Star Camp owns the old Relief Society Building. They have some historical artifacts from the community and hold their camp meetings in the building. Open by appointment only. To make arrangements, call 307-203-0062 or llholsan@silverstar.com |
Colorado, Delta County
Hotchkiss-Crawford Historical Museum |
Open Saturday 1-4 pm. Phone: 970-872-3780 |